Whilst it’s generally rare to be able to say you’ve step foot inside a real mortuary, it’s something that plenty of film crews have done.
At FilmFixer, we’re in a unique position to be able to facilitate filming in working mortuaries. We work in partnership with the respective councils’ Cemeteries teams to help productions capture their scenes on location, in an authentic setting.
Two such locations on our books are Haringey Mortuary and Croydon Mortuary. Croydon has been out of use since 2021 but is still in full working condition with power & parking on site, whilst Haringey is a working site. Both have played host to all sorts of shoots; from interviews with forensic pathologists for documentaries, to high stakes scenes for TV & film dramas.
It’s important to say that it’s something we approach with the sensitivity and careful forward-planning that locations like this merit!
If you’re looking to film in a mortuary, send your brief across to us via info@filmfixer.co.uk and we’ll do our best to help!